
This is a python object that is the main wrapper for all of the methods of pyMACS. It requires only a few details to initialize - a .cif file to specify the sample being simulated, and a few instrumental settings.

class pyMACS.monochromator.Monochromator(repeat_count=1, Ei=5.0, HF=1, VF=1, beta_1=False, beta_2=False, misalign_deg=0.15, slit_h=0.2, slit_v=0.2, MPL=6.06, MPD=0.775, DIRDEV=0.0, DIVSOU=3.0, L0_delta=-1.06, L1_delta=0.0, mon_t=0.0, mon_e=0.0, monrot_delta=0.0, dmbt=0.02)

Bases: object

This object contains parameters for the monochromator calculation. TODO: beta1/beta2 calcultation

  • repeat_count=1 – How many times the virtual out from MACS_monochromator is used

  • EM – monochromator energy setting [meV]

  • HF=1 – Horizontal focusing (ALWAYS 1, 0 mode broken)

  • sample_diameter_d – Sample diameter, can just be left at 0.02

  • beta_1 – Monochromator beta_1 parameter

  • beta_2 – Monocromator beta_2 parameter

  • slit_h – Slit after guide horizontal [m] Default 0.2

  • slit_v – Slit after guide vertical [m] Default 0.2

Create a list of object parameters, like n_mono.