
This is a python object that is the main wrapper for all of the methods of pyMACS. It requires only a few details to initialize - a .cif file to specify the sample being simulated, and a few instrumental settings.

class pyMACS.kidney.Kidney(kidney_angle=0, Ef=5.0, slit_h=0.2, slit_v=0.2)

Bases: object

This class contains all of the relevant information regarding the experimental configuration of the kidney. It also contains a method to generate a list of kidney positions for a scan.

  • kidney_angle (float) – Kidney angle setting where the centered detector geometry is 0, in degrees.

  • Ef (float) – Analyzator energy setting in meV

  • slit_h (float) – Horizontal slit width before sample in mm.

  • slit_v – Vertical slit width before sample in mm.

generate_kidney_positions(da4, Ei=5.0)

Generates a list of kidney positions for an A4 scan given a desired angle resolution

  • da4 (float) – Desired resolution in twoTheta in degrees.

  • Ei (float) – Incident energy in meV


List of kidney positions for a scan with the given da4 and Ei.

Return type:


Create a list of object parameters, like n_mono.